Monday, November 29, 2010


things just get worst and worst do they....


btw, CHO CHANG IS HOT/PRETTY/CUTE.....anything, you name it!

thx, bye

Friday, November 26, 2010

what up, the blog is kinda coming to an end and its only the what...7th post? but anyways

liveyourlife...happiness, fun, laughter
let me tell you something, its all bullshit
yea you have fun, you laugh hee hee haa haa
but in the end of the day, trust me its a downhill road..

wow, since when did life get this depressing...or maybe it always has been like this only i just realised, if i would just think straight and logically with my mind maybe i won't be feeling like this.

Emotions only mess around with you. Don't let it play you.

two black holes,
full of sorrow,
full of sadness,
full of darkness.

two black pools
shedding drops of water,
spreading sadness,
creating misery.

two black holes,
not being able to see,
not being able to be seen,
showing no signs of emotion.

i have no idea what i've just written, but screw la, live with it..embrace things as it is.
have a good night....
be good and good things will await you
be bad....just say byebye cause you will be going in the wrong direction............

Monday, November 1, 2010


hello there,

I've decided to put the no. of post as the title as it would make life easier and my blog so much more (cricket sounds)




wow, exams are over, wow

don't you feel the excitement...

I've said it and I'll say it again
I didn't really study at all so technically there's not much joy knowing that holidays are here
Yes yes i know you will not believe me, cause all of you think i study like a mad dog but I'm going to stick to what I've said. Besides that, my results will show. SO...just wait for the results. They speak for themselves.

I'm 16 with a mind of my own and so do you. Time to make use of our hols.

Prefects camp
Interact BBQ party
District conference

alright, got some stuff going on till the 5 of Dec.......

then, then

I'm gonna turn sixteen, wow how time flies.....i was just a baby sucking on my thumb 16 years ago and now here i am. Life's just so amazing, ain't it?
Yes, yes....

11th December man...*hints*

Haha..then then I've yet to figure out what I'm gonna do. Maybe I'm going to go on a journey to find the person I really am. Hehe

Perhaps I'll just find a isolated mountain some where to "bertahannuth" and find the true ME as well as the meaning of the word LIFE.


Just that day, that feeling struck again
Inflicting so much pain
Through the deepest veins
I cry when i take the train?


Just that day, that feeling struck again
Inflicting so much pain
Trough the deepest of veins
Seeing you looking at your beauty in vain


thank you, and early happy holidays!!

P.S I'm still trying to figure out the chat box..=( hehe
and and if you visit, follow me la haha
